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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Dust Off a Quilt Book Blog Hop

It's my day on Bea's blog hop and I just might be a rule breaker or a cheater...
I dusted off plenty, but for this hop it's not a quilt book.
In fact, I have quit buying books and magazines, because there is just so much online and I don't have the life expectancy to finish all the things I have saved to do already! LOL!!

Here is one of my bookshelves after I took magazines apart and only saved the patterns that I knew I might do someday. Then came along the internet patterns and things began to get out of control.
Bigger binders and folders were bought.

My project is one that's been on my list of to-do's for a very long time...

I have been hording my hand dyes for this one as well, so what better time to get it together and do it.

Here's couple of the blocks I made as a trial, to make sure it was going to be what I envisioned.

After a "LOT" of piecing and arranging and before borders, I was satisfied with the layout.

This one was a tough one to photograph. It's 108" x 108" so I took advantage of the Arctic Blast that came through a few weeks ago to take photos of this one, too. It as only 15 degrees out, but the sun and snow really made the colors pop, so it was worth it.

I am over the moon happy with this finish.
Hopefully it inspires you to dust off something in your stash, and bring it to life!

Thank you Bea for letting me play along and for pushing me to "get 'er" done.

Check out what my fellow bloggers have to share and leave them a little love with a sweet comment.

March 3

March 4

March 5
MooseStashQuilting (You're here)

March 6


Monday, February 24, 2025

It's Been Forever

 Oh my goodness, time really does fly. I can't believe it's been almost 3 months since I posted last.

I took some much needed time off to celebrate the holidays, spend time with family, and try to organize my sewing room mess, but that really doesn't look like anything really happened there. Mostly moving stuff from one place to another, then spending hours looking for where I put things. LOL!!

I did get busy on the Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt this year and actually finished it.

There were lots of pieces, way to many to count...

but I think piecing them was much easier than past mystery quilts.

These were the blocks, but it was the sashing that were the star of the show this year. They really changed up the look of things.

I wasn't the only one who loved the quilt this year. Ole Denali claimed it as his right off the bat, making it almost impossible to bind!

We had an arctic blast come thru town a couple weeks ago, and while it was miserably cold...

It made for a perfect day for photos. The colors really shine in the sunshine.

On the personal side, I don't think I ever shared a picture of my newest grandie.

This is Ms. Kinsley

Needless to say, she is the apple of everyone's eye!

As for the other 2... they are as silly as ever.

Lastly BeaQuilter is hosting a blog hop in March...

Dust off a Quilt Book Hop.
I will see you on Wednesday March 5th!


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange-It's My Day

Our last blog hop and there are no cookies for me to share.
I am still trying to hang onto some of the weight loss I worked so hard on, but I did find something that I think you will get a kick out of. I heard this on the radio the other day and I couldn't stop laughing...

(throwback from our 2014 blog hop)

So grab your favorite cuppa, sit back and enjoy!
(OK...maybe I might be drinking and dreaming of this recipe HERE)
tee hee

It sure is and I know that I will likely be indulging in more than I should, soon.
I've been busy with a couple of Christmas projects to share today.

First one...Merry and Bright

 My embroidery machine has been working overtime, lately. I absolutely went crazy when I saw this on Design's by JuJu. It's applique in the hoop and was so much fun to put together. All the little elements are just so darn cute. It's hard to see, but I used metallic thread in most of the blocks, so it really sparkles.

My second project is this years, "Red Boot Quilt Company"  Christmas Sew-Along.
Toni, never disappoints with her fun designs.

This 46" X 52" quilt packs the cutest gift tags ever. 

I was getting nervous about finishing this up, in time for the hop. My newest grandie's name was a secret until she was born, just two weeks ago now.

Each tag is 5 1/2" wide and 11 1/2" long. How fun would they be on a large Christmas package.
I may just have to make another set of these, soon.
You might want to check out the the Red Boot Quilt Company HERE and grab the patterns, while they are free! 
Now hop on over and see what's cookin' in my fellow bloggers kitchens this holiday season...
Don't forget to leave them a sweet comment telling them just how much you have enjoyed seeing their projects this year.

December 5

MooseStashQuilting (you're here)

Bumbleberry Stitches

Sew Many Yarns

Days Filled With Joy

I do have one last thing to share...

We had a craft day last week during Thanksgiving break. These guys made reindeer out of empty Dunkin Donut coffee containers. It was so much fun. We painted them with chalk paint and hit up the Dollar Tree for hats and antlers, then scrounged through Nana's craft supplies to finish them off. They look more like Bert from Sesame Street in a reindeer costume to me, but these two just love them. No fingers were burned by hot glue guns in the process, so it was a win all the way around!


That's it for me. I know it's our last hop together, but I am not saying goodbye to anyone. I will still be here blogging away and I just might jump in on a hop occasionally, or even host one. You just never know, so keep in touch!

To Carol and Carla (who retired awhile back)...thank you girls for inviting me in to share the hosting fun with you. I will miss  you both, but friends are friends and we will see what the next chapter in our lives bring. Hugs!

Have a very blessed holiday season!

Friday, November 29, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Gnome for Thanksgiving Blog Hop Day 4


Gosh it's hard to believe that it's day 4 already. 
Where did the week go?
I have to tell you, I have a LOT to be thankful for this year.
Yesterday my 3rd grandie was born and we are excited she is here.
Welcome to the family little missy.

But enough about me...
Today these fabulous bloggers are wrapping up our hop. 
Please show them a little Thanksgiving love with a sweet comment.

You can find the complete schedule HERE.

All projects are added daily to our Pinterest page HERE.

Well, this is a wrap for me! It's the last hop I am hosting. Yes I'm a little sad, it's been nothing short of a complete joy for me all these years, but with time comes change  It's a bittersweet time for this girl. I have made so many wonderful friends online. Life moves us in directions, but never say never. I am not going away (you all should be that lucky) HAHAHAHA

You never know when I will pop up, or what hop I just may participate in. Hint hint! Wink wink! Just who is hosting what next year? Asking for a friend? :-)

Join us in just a little over a week, when Carol hosts her last hop.

Hugs and blessings to all of my blogging buddies and readers!